Ashley Armstrong
Ashley joined the Interaction Lab as an M.Sc. student under the supervision of Dr. Regan Mandryk and Dr. Mark Eramian in 2019. Prior to this, she completed her B.Sc. in Computer Science at the University of Saskatchewan in 2019. Her research focuses on how passion and social capital predict player behaviour in MMORPGs.
Rafael Heinze
Rafael started his Master’s in Computer Science (Applied Computing) in 2021, under the supervision of Dr. Regan Mandryk and Dr. Madison Klarkowski. His background is in Neuroscience and Cognition at the Federal University of ABC (UFABC, Brazil), where he investigated learning and emotional regulation using Brain-Computer Interfaces. He loves strategy and puzzle games and believes […]
Maryam Samadi
Maryam joined the interaction lab in 2021 as a master’s student in Computer Science under the supervision of Dr. Madison Klarkowski. Her research focuses on video game design and how it affects player experience and physiological states. She is interested to work in the video game industry and hope to become a game changer [pun […]
Qihang Liang
Qihang is an MSc student in the Interdisciplinary Studies program after finishing his B.A. & Sc. in Interactive System Design at the University of Saskatchewan, supervised by Dr. Madison Klarkowski and Professor Lisa Birke from the Art and Art History Department. His research explores the essential role that physiological interaction plays in video game-based artworks […]
Nicole Beres
Nicole is pursuing a M.Sc. in Computer Science (Applied Computing) under the supervision of Dr. Madison Klarkowski. She is passionate about games user research and aspires to transition into the gaming industry. Her goal is to use her knowledge of video games combined with her expertise in research methods to better understand the psychology and […]
Sarah Vedress
Hi, I’m Sarah! I completed my B.A. & Sc in Interactive Systems Design at the University of Saskatchewan and worked as an assistant researcher in the Interaction Lab for 2.5 years. I am now a fresh master’s student, supervised by Regan Mandryk. I’m interested in game design as it relates to mental health. In my […]
Colby Johanson
Colby’s research goal is to help you be a better gamer. That is, he explores how psychomotor skills develop within games. He also developed and maintains the “Bride of Frankensystem” framework that many members of the lab use to run their experiments online. He is working on completing his Ph.D. and is co-supervised by Carl […]
Katelyn Wiley
Katelyn researches the use of games for cognitive assessment, particularly in the area of attention. She studies how these games are made and evaluated, how they compare to traditional assessment methods, and how they can be used to collect high-quality, high-quantity psychological data. She is completing her PhD under the supervision of Dr. Regan Mandryk. […]
Matthew Miller
I’m a PhD candidate working to understand and improve video chat as a tool to form and maintain relationships. My current interests include understanding how video chat makes us feel (e.g., anxious or self-focused) and behave (e.g., sharing personal information). I also study how tools for coviewing media can support video chat users in spending […]